ISO/IEC 17065

ISO/IEC 17065

ISO/IEC 17065 Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services is an International Standard that provides Certification Bodies with requirements for the certification of products, processes and services.


ISO 17065 accreditation is a proven business credential that increases customer satisfaction, reduces operating costs and enhances sustainable growth. ISO 17065 accreditation can help organizations gain more business, and it provides the following benefits:

  • It helps organizations improve their productivity, effectiveness and efficiency.
  • The process allows labs to become aware of their compliance performance and certification competency.
  • ISO 17065 guidelines improve record-keeping and data analysis skills.
  • It increases confidence in auditors and certification bodies based on competency and their ability to certify management systems.
  • ISO 17065 accreditation increases customers’ confidence and trust in the organization, which places it a step ahead of its competition.
  • It builds a certification body’s credibility, recognition and reputation in the global market.